EnergyWork .Me

Energy work Ă  la carte.
Submitted by juried practitioners.

Find an Activation, Meditation, Journey or Clearing.

The many styles of energy work vary as richly as the people who practice these techniques. At different stages of our development we lean toward or away from one or the next, according to our individual process. 

Let instinct lead you in the direction of your best and  highest good, and the highest good of all, in alignment with your own perfect timing.

Frequent Topics:

Past Life Trauma Clearing

Ancestral Trauma Clearing

Mental Body Tools

Meditations & Downloads​

Energy System Clearing

Collective Intuitive Readings

New Group
Energy Clearing
Coming up...

The next Zoom live will be a Group Clearing Session. The subject matter will be determined via meditation shortly before the session and will be based on the Collective Asking of those who are aligned to attend.




Client experiences